Trade marketing and media
External and internal media, technical requirements for layouts, price and legal information.
Layouts for trade marketing media are the formats that we assemble first of all when we are preparing for the new product or promotion launch.
To correctly select and design the advertising media, you need to take into account the zone it will be located in, design the price and make sure to add legal information.
Depending on the zone of placement we divide the media into two main groups:
External, located outside the brand area — OOH (Out-of-Home).
Internal, located in the pizzeria, inside the brand zone — Resto.
External media
Outside the pizzeria, the time to get in contact with your audience is limited. We have about 14 seconds to capture a pedestrian’s attention; 1-2 seconds to catch a driver’s eye.
We place short large text messages on external media and retain clear and minimalistic design. We maintain recognition with a logo. If the media is located close to a pizzeria, we add navigation to the layout.
It is located on highways and major city streets. With billboards, we go for a message that can be read in a matter of 3 seconds. We do not overload the layout with excessive information: if the campaign has many various messages, we distribute them across different communication channels.
We develop two formats of layouts: with navigation — if the billboard is located close to the restaurant; without navigation — if the distance to the restaurant is significant and a simple map will not help the driver to find the premises.
We save some space for legal information, and always add a large logo. The minimum size of the sign in the template is 5 mm (1:10 scale).
The standard size of a billboard is 6 × 3 meters. To make the text readable from a bigger distance, we make the height of the lowercase letter no less than 35 mm.

City format and pillar
They are located in places which are normally crowded: near public transport stops or traffic lights, in pedestrian zones, or on central squares.
City formats and pillars are tall vertical structures, so we place key information in the area that falls within the field of the pedestrian’s sight. Usually this ranges from 900 to 1600 mm from the ground surface.
People spend more time looking at these media than at billboards, so we can put longer messages on the layout, only making sure they are readable and clear. We leave space for legal information on the layout and footer with the logo.
The size of the city-format is 1.2 × 1.8 m, the size of the pillar is 3 × 1.2 m.

Light box
This one is located on the front of the pizzeria next to the door, sometimes on the inside of the window. Light boxes can also be spotted inside the pizzeria.
On light boxes, which can be noticed mainly by pedestrians, we place promotional layouts with prices, combos or information about promotions. A light box inside the pizzeria will tell the customers about our novelties.
With light boxes, we emphasize the key information. We display the product, price or discount percentage in a large format; create a vivid design that attracts attention. We also leave space for legal information on the layout and logo without text.
During the daytime, unwanted glare appears on the glass of the light box. To make it easy for passers-by to read the information, avoid too dark shades in the layout.
The size of the light box is A1 or A0.

Internal media
Internal media are located within the brand zone. A customer inside the establishment knows for sure that they have entered Dodo for a pizza and do not need any reminders, so we do not place our logo on the media inside the pizzeria. The exception to this is partnerships, when we want to emphasize that Dodo is doing a collaboration with another brand.
There are two types of media located inside the pizzeria, printed and digital.
Printed: table tent, wobbler, paper tablecloth on a tray, A6 leaflet on a tray.
Digital: TV board, cash register monitor, screen on a display with slices, media panel, Wi-Fi authorization cover.
Table tent
Printed media, of which most often both sides are used, so it is possible to reveal the terms of the promotion in more detail or place several various layouts on it.
The table tent is placed on the table, which is the slow zone. Sitting at the table, a customer is ready to look through the information around them, so we can put more details on this media: the name of the product, its composition, the terms of the promotion, a QR code, a call to action. At the same time, we do take care of our guests and do not overload the layout; we try to keep the text compact and limit the number of items in the instructions.
The standard table tent size is A5. If we add legal information, we leave free space at the bottom edge of at least 15 mm. This is necessary to avoid cutting off the text when placing it in the design.

It is an advertising media of round shape, printed on paper and cut to the contour. It is attached to the cash register monitor with a flexible plastic foot.
The wobbler is located in the fast zone, and its diameter is only 90 mm. For the guest to have time to read and be able to grasp the idea, we place a large short text on the wobbler.

Cash register monitor
In pizzerias we use two types of cash register monitors, large-format and square. We take into account the features of the monitors and frame the layouts so that important information is not cut off while rotated.
1920 × 1080 px layout. Visible when the monitor is in standby mode. Layouts with new products and promotions change on the screen approximately every 6 seconds.
720 × 1080 px layout. Visible when a guest is making an order. The layout occupies half or ⅔ of the screen, the cart is displayed in the other part. Here we place information that the guest can make some use of during checkout; we do not duplicate promotions from the app.

TV board
These are digital screens installed above the checkout areas in pizzerias. Information on them is updated remotely by the management company. On TV-boards we demonstrate our new products and promotions. The boards are divided into three types by size and location:
Vertical screen, 812 × 1080 px. Part of the main menu. The screen is located above the cash register, in the area where trials are broadcast.
Vertical screen, 916 × 1020 px. Located above the cash register, between the main menu sections, as part of a larger horizontal screen.
Horizontal screen, 1080 × 1920 px. This is a side menu. Located to the side of the cash register area. Screens of this format are most often used in pairs: on one board we place the menu, on the other we show promotional layouts.
TV-boards are located in the fast zone, above the eye level, at a distance of more than 1 meter from the customer. The screens work in rotation mode: the layouts swap every 10 seconds. To give the guest time to study the offer, we demonstrate the product in a large format and use a short message; the font is also large. Make sure the price is readable on the layout.

Price on different media
Depending on the media for which the layout is created and the way people interact with it, we make a decision whether the price should be specified.
We always put the price if the media is located in an area where one of the main inquiries of the guest is “how much the product costs”. This rule works for the following media:
Cash area: TV-boards, cash register monitor.
Pizzeria façade: light box, window stickers.
We do not specify the price, if the layout is used in a number of different pizzerias, and we have no possibility to relate its placement to one price group. This is relevant for the following media:
Wi-Fi cover;
display case with slices;
We look into each layout individually if the product belongs to a higher price category. In such cases, we highlight it as a novelty or emphasize the taste rather than the price. This is true for the following media:
table tent;
outdoor advertising: billboard, city format;
A6 leaflet.
Legal information
Legal information is a text containing details about the advertising offer made in compliance with the state or local legislation.
We add legal information to all layouts, regardless of their location. On layouts with promotions and novelties we must indicate where the customer can get more information about the offer. The company will be fined for the absence of this information on such layouts.
The exception is image communication that does not offer a specific product. In this case, it is necessary to coordinate the placement of legal information with lawyers.
Before placement, we test layouts on mockups: visualization in a real environment helps to spot mistakes and improve the outcome.
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