How to name files

We do file naming within the unified structure, so you can immediately see which country the file is for, which project it belongs to, what kind of media it is and what its size is.

The logic is basic – from larger to smaller: Country - Category - Project - Media - Size - Side number - View.

Project and the side number are optional. We write everything in English. Each item is separated by a space, a short dash «-» and with a space again.

Country. Two-letter code according to the standard ISO 3166-1. For example, RU for Russia or KZ for Kazakhstan.

Category. It shows which project the file belongs to. Here are the main categories:

  • Promo – promo layouts,
  • Product – product layouts,
  • Façade – design of pizzeria facades,
  • Interior – pizzeria interior design,
  • Kids – children's project,
  • Restaurant Print Menu – a printed menu in a restaurant,
  • Merch – branded merchandise,
  • Package – anything related to packaging,
  • HR – recruiting materials for HR department.

Project. For example, for Teriyaki Duck Pizza – "Teriyaki Duck Pizza"

Media. If the project and the media are the same, merge them into one unit.

Layout size. For printed layouts, specify the size in millimeters – mm. For social networks, TV menus and digital marketing in pixels – px. The first digit is width, the second one is height. For example, 1920 × 1080 px.

If the layout has a variable size, do not specify it in the file name, skip it.

Side number. If the layout has more than one side, we save each side as a separate file and indicate the side number in the name. Mark them with capital Latin letters, for example: Side A, Side B, Side C.

Layout type. There are 5 types: Process, Edit, Print, Publish and Preview. You’ll find more details about the layout types in the guide "How to save layouts for duplication"..

Here's is an example of the name and its description.

RU - Product - Cheese Nuggets - TV Board - 1920 × 1080 px - Publish

  • RU – country Russia,
  • Product – project category,
  • Cheese Nuggets is the Cheese Nuggets project,
  • TV Board – the media, a TV screen,
  • 1920 × 1080 px – the layout size in pixels,
  • Publish – the publication layout.

RU - HR - There's A Job For You - Booklet - 297 × 210 mm - Side A - Print

  • RU – country Russia,
  • HR – category, a project for the Human resources department,
  • There's A Job For You – Project "There's a Job!",
  • Booklet – media, brochure,
  • 297 × 210 mm – layout size in mm,
  • Side A – side A,
  • Print – a printing layout.

RU - Façade - Window Stickers - Edit

  • RU – country Russia,
  • Façade – category, a project to decorate pizzerias facades,
  • Window Stickers – project and medium – window stickers,
  • Edit – layout for editing.

This one is a file with variable dimensions, so they are not specified here. The name of the project and the medium are the same, we merged them into one block.

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