Visual style of in-app stories

General principles, colors, font and typography, layout sizes and grid, buttons, illustrations and graphic elements, photo style, and covers for stories.

The app team has created a space for developing stories in Figma. It's a tool that collects typography styles, rules for using colors, basic elements, buttons, and stories templates and examples. The text below is an outline of the main rules and principles.

Consistent design.Typography styles, colors, and basic elements are aligned with application styles.

Unified visuals.We use branded typography, colors, and graphic elements.

Comprehensible stories.Support the text with visuals: carefully selected images should match the theme, icons and symbols – represent simplicity.

Stories are easily and quickly read. We use plates and illustrations moderately, and avoid overload of visuals in layouts.

The palette includes primary colors, secondary colors, and gradients. A gradient consists of a primary color and its lighter shade. You can look into the rules for using colors and copy the figures in Figma.

RGB 77, 88, 94
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 106, 90, 224
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 0, 142, 143
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 233, 58, 13
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 255, 100, 0
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 1, 155, 255
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 255, 122, 165
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 99, 180, 137
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 251, 168, 57
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 187, 207, 0
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 214, 174, 242
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 28, 35, 39
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 177, 189, 196
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 230, 238, 242
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 59, 130, 92
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 184, 229, 205
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 229, 255, 241
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 2, 97, 98
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 132, 219, 219
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 223, 247, 247
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 1, 124, 204
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 128, 205, 255
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 217, 240, 255
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 64, 50, 166
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 188, 178, 255
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 233, 229, 255
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 164, 106, 204
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 240, 219, 255
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 250, 242, 255
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 141, 156, 0
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 218, 229, 115
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 244, 247, 210
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 217, 61, 111
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 255, 191, 212
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 255, 229, 238
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 181, 37, 0
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 255, 166, 143
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 255, 235, 229
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 204, 80, 0
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 255, 177, 128
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 255, 239, 229
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 199, 116, 6
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 255, 226, 186
Copy colour
Colour copied
RGB 255, 244, 229
Copy colour
Colour copied


77, 88, 94

177, 189, 196


1, 155, 255

128, 205, 255


233, 58, 13

255, 166, 143


106, 90, 224

188, 178, 255


255, 100, 0

255, 177, 128


0, 142, 143

132, 219, 219


255, 122, 165

255, 191, 212


214, 174, 242

240, 219, 255


99, 180, 137

184, 229, 205


187, 207, 0

218, 229, 115


251, 186, 57

255, 226, 186

Only two fonts are used for stories. Rooftop for headlines and Inter for typesetting.

Download Rooftop and Inter

Other fonts are not put to use. In some rare cases, you can add lettering designed for promotional layouts.

Stories layout size is 1350 x 2085 px.

There are also 4 zones in the stories layout.

  • The main working area. It contains the key information on the layout, the text should not go beyond its borders.
  • Visible zone. It contains only graphic elements.
  • The zone that is invisible on mobile devices. It can be seen only when viewing stories on a computer.
  • Button zone.

In order for users to take a targeted action, there are buttons in the stories. Buttons are divided into two types.

Static buttons.They are always located in the button area. A button without an icon is on the top, with an icon - on the bottom.

Dynamic buttons.Their function is ordering a product; they can be moved around the layout. In stories you can use several buttons, but no more than three.

We use 3D images in stories that we develop ourselves with the help of our application team.

We also use graphic elements: shapes and arrows.

We do not take stock illustrations or draw them ourselves.

For our stories we may choose various different photos: products in the life environment and from the catalog, or people.

For example, photos of products.

Photos of people.

Photos of products from the catalog.

Stories covers are located at the very top of the main page of the app, so they require special attention in development. Avoid small details, abundance of graphic elements and excessive color choices.

For example, product photos.

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