Principles of communication

A unified structure in folders, file names, and layers makes it easier to navigate projects, pass the layouts on among the team and partners. And in the future it will help robots help us

Describe food through actual attributes, not concepts

Develop your descriptions of the product from its real attributes.


Crispy, stretchy, tasteful, fresh, firm, golden, hot, etc.

Not Dodo

Words that refer to some concept or abstract image. For example: fancy, delicate, bold, precise, “the one”, etc.

Describe flavour through familiar ingredients rather than vivid sensory imagery

Tell what the product is made of, about criteria for choosing ingredients, suppliers, safety, clear origin.


Full name of ingredients, origin indication.

Not Dodo

Secret ingredients, understatement (e.g., coding).

When showing the product, focus on the filling, show generosity through how many ingredients there are - vegetables, meat, but not more than there really is. With sauce and cheese, it's better to be moderate.

Aiming to bring expectations and reality together

That's why food and drinks must look realistically on food layouts.


Plot and message

A novelty product brings variety to everyday life, helps to look at the familiar from a new perspective and unusual angle.

Photo and retouching

Natural look in post-processing.

Real food with natural composition. Don't hesitate about crumbs, imperfect vegetables or pieces of meat - that's life.

Not Dodo

Plot and message

The novelty product is a “wow-product,” an incentive that evokes emotional rush. Associations: explosion, bomb, etc. Example: explosive barberry.

Photo and retouching

“Plastic” food, high saturation, strong contrast.

PVA glue instead of cheese and other tricks.

Avoid drawing attention to fat level in pizza, don't do foodporn - seduction of the guzzleness.

It's just food

Food is not an attempt to escape from reality, nor is it a way of experiencing some special pleasure, or vivid emotions. What comes with the food, how it was obtained, and who was involved in the process is more important.


Recipes inspired by our customers (their needs and desires), cool products, local traditions. Stories about the origin of the idea, why Dodo picked this recipe, these ingredients.

If the recipe is from a chef, it's not a mythical figure, but a very specific Dodo chef - we speak about it with openness and responsible approach.

If a recipe includes exotic ingredients or is created with flavours from a faraway region, then we talk about this product as a variety in everyday life and try to connect it with the customers' experience.

Not Dodo

Sacralizing recipes, e.g. “exclusive recipe”, “the one and only, legendary taste,” etc.

The pathos of the restaurant approach. A recipe from a mythical, or conversely, a celebrity guest chef.

Escapism: when an enticing picture, an association offered to the customer, is a way of fleeing reality. Example: a mango shake on the sand of the beach.

Pizza is not a way to treat yourself, but a part of everyday life

To eat, to feed, to treat, to please - tasks that our customers face every day. Everyone likes pizza, it's great for sharing, requires no utensils, and is loved by kids and adults - an excellent solution for everyday life. Just have it, you don't really need a “special occasion” for pizza, and hedonism is not our territory.


Everyday situations, as viewed from the customer's perspective. Pizza, food, drinks that fit into the customer's lifestyle - snack, breakfast, lunch, dinner, special event.

Dishes in a realistic context, in situations of real consumption or on a clean, calm, minimalistic background.

Not Dodo

Pizza as a “forbidden pleasure”, a “holiday with no reason”, a “mood boost”, a divine phenomenon, etc. The themes of hedonism are “joy”, “pleasure,” etc.

Dishes in fantasy worlds, in irrational circumstances, unrealistic physics, such as a pizza flying in space or a pizza with palm trees in the background (we do not yet have a pizzeria with palm trees nearby).

The name reflects the essence and helps to choose

Fancy names that have nothing to do with the ingredients of the dish do not work for us. The name should refer to the recipe (Margarita), ingredients (Pesto, Curry Chicken) or have direct reference (Hawaiian, Homemade). The names Pizza Dodo, Dodster, and Dandwich are examples of a signature dish and may be a derivative from Dodo brand name.

If it is a collaboration, you can give the product a corresponding name, for example, Fairy Tale Pizza (collaboration with MySkazka), Dark Dodster (collaboration with Batman).


Margarita, Double Pepperoni, Curry Chicken, Hawaiian, Diablo.

Not Dodo

Freestyle, Arriva

The hero of our communication is the one who inspires us with all his good and bad sides, a genuine person, not an idealized image.

Human-centric communication does not mean that a person has to be in every layout, in every post. It is more of an approach where we think not about how to promote a product, rather than about when the customer needs it, what product will make them happy, with whom they will share it. This helps us create content that shows situations and images familiar to people and copywriting that is catchy.

If there's a person in the frame, set the context right away - where they are, who they’re with, what they’re doing.

Address the theme of everyday life and fit our product into it.


Realistic context in the photo, in the video. Imagine yourself in similar circumstances. It's great to explore customers’ life situations and use them in your piece of work.

The main character solves their problems with our help. Think of the life task that a product, a discount, or another offer might solve.

Not Dodo

Fantasy, magic, fictional, ideal worlds (for example, to show a sip of soda and then a person in the Bubble World).

The main character poses statically in an unnatural posture or situation. You can place any brand into such photos, there isn’t anything “true” to it, no sincerity.

Show the contentment, not sensual pleasure

Contentment is the joy of getting the job done and being satisfied with your choice, your decision, with doing the right thing. A more rational approach.


The customer's response is an emotion of contentment. The key motive we rely on in communication is needs management (the need to satisfy your own or someone else’s hunger). This motive comes directly from the person's needs, tasks, and when they are covered, a person is satisfied – putting it simpler, happy.

Example: a commercial about the comfort zone

Not Dodo

The reaction is sensual pleasure. It is usually related to the motive of indulging oneself. In photos and videos, it is displayed through closed eyes, freezing, slowing down. This story doesn't suit us now.

The hero of our communication is an actor, the one who makes decisions, not a passive participant


The hero of our communication is an active person, the one who moves along, who’s into something and is passionate about it. Our customer often takes care of others, by sharing with others, ordering for others. It is not uncommon for them to be an organizer of the meeting. Attentiveness is shown through this.

Not Dodo

Situations where the product dominates the person, controls their will, causes obsession. Fake emotions caused by food, price or the situation in general are also a ‘no’ for us.


If the reason for ordering pizza is a holiday, we show the product from the (the birthday person, the manager, for example).

All QSR brands use parties and events as one of the key purchase scenarios. In that sense, all images of these pizza-sushi-burger parties are the same - a group of young people, they're laughing, smiling, eating.

We have our own approach to portraying such events – that is doing it on the territory of Everyday Practicality. We look at it through the lens of a process that someone organizes, and in which Dodo helps and is present in the context of providing the service. Thanks to Dodo, everyone feels comfy, everyone enjoys the taste, everyone has fun, the organizer is a great guy and they feel they’re valuable and satisfied.

Not Dodo

Typical images of companies where everyone is visually equal, everyone is happy, laughing and eating.


Typical images of companies where everyone is visually equal, everyone is happy, laughing and eating.

Not Dodo

Hedonistic scenes: pizza in bed, pizza on the couch, pizza in pajamas.

Our customer is our hero, they inspire us, we appeal to the best in a person

Our customer is our hero, they inspire us, we appeal to the best in a person


The characters in the photos and videos are people of all incomes, occupation, ages; belonging to various ethnic groups, having various body types. We’re not engaged in lookism.

Include various characters and let them be charismatic.

Not Dodo

A pretty, constantly smiling, laughing, young and successful-at-everything character. There is no life in that, no sincerity.


We never laugh at our characters, we laugh with them instead. It shows sincerity, acceptance.

Example: video commercial “It’s not just pizza, attitude”.

Not Dodo

A person in an unpleasant light.

Example: AAAAAA.


We believe there is something of the difference maker in everyone. We celebrate and support even just an endeavor. We don't shy away from showing a customer with problems, on the contrary, we show how they overcome them.

Not Dodo

Customers are super-heroes, perfect people who always get things done.

Children are difference makers by nature, and we support them in making the difference

They are always passionate about something, they are active and demanding. When we show children, we show their creative side. We don't manipulate children into bringing their parents to the restaurant, we communicate sincerely and with care.


The child is an individual who shows creativity, care, and interest.

We strive to engage children in interaction, speak the child's language.

Dodo's Fixi-Pizza Review.

Not Dodo

Stories where children are looked down upon, nurtured and edified, spoiled with gifts and food.

A discount is an opportunity to do the smart thing, not “indulge yourself”

A rational approach is the key here. A discount is a chance to save some money, it's both good luck and gumption, and it’s worth a credit.


A discount is an opportunity to save money to afford something else – some valuable, helpful or just lovely things. Or to buy some more to share it with someone else (rather than to have more on your own).

A discount is like a technological trick, a life hack, something that helps, makes life easier. We talk about the benefits in a calm and informative manner.

Not Dodo

A discount is an opportunity to afford more, to treat yourself.

A discount is an opportunity to afford more, to treat yourself.

But you can also take benefit as something bigger than that, it's not just about money.

The benefit is:

  • quick and time saving purchase,
  • convenience, energy and resources saving,
  • an opportunity to please someone else,
  • a feeling of contentment after a well done job, a sense of social approval,
  • an ability to come here more often, to use it more often (regularly) – makes life simpler, saves time and resources,
  • confidence of knowing that you won't have to “pay twice”.

Considering our positioning, it may seem that we're not really about fun and entertainment. On the one hand, no, we aren’t, but on the other hand, yes, we are. We say, “You create the situations, you experience the emotions, and we share those moments with you”.

Leisure time is a process, and Dodo helps organize it. Watching a movie with friends or on your own in the evening, Friday night pizza with coworkers or a birthday party – everything is a process in which pizza and pizzeria have a part to take.


Movies, shows, games as a part of everyday life. We're interested in the preps, the organization, and Dodo's role in it.

Content that somehow influences the client's everyday life, practice, knowledge. An opportunity to learn something, discover something, and relax.

Not Dodo

Movies, TV series, games as escapism, a way of losing touch with reality, going into a fantasy world.

Content that exists just for fun or a laugh. For example, Internet memes or popular comedy shows.

Promotions and special projects - an opportunity to talk about important things

We care about what's important to our customers, we find inspiration in it. Every such project is an opportunity to bring something good into our customers’ lives. Why not do it.


A promotion or special project as something handy and nice.

A comfort zone.

Creativity that carries out a benefit and a conscious approach.

Not Dodo

Hype, tension.


Creativity only for the sake of attention.

If an occasion (such as a holiday) takes you into the territory of fun, think about how to connect the event with daily routine, with the other side of the holiday - with its organization, a conscious approach, with care for yourself or someone else.

Dodo's service is built on attentiveness, so we talk about customers as participants in the process.

Attentive service is the type of service that makes customers' lives more comfortable and enjoyable

When we talk about service, we should talk more often about customer’s situations, customer’s feedback, and tell lively stories. Clients share their problems, ideas, and wishes; we change standards, find solutions, and meet their needs.

We want more feedback

Whenever it’s appropriate, we ask for feedback on a visit or an order; this option should always be visible.

The main principle is that partnership should resonate with the values and brand character.

Create messages, products, and special projects by addressing active and demanding audiences.

Let's say you have the following demographic groups: families with children, gamers, TV shows fans. The groups are heterogeneous themselves, and then there are more active and more demanding customers within each. Let’s recall Dodo's customers’ segmentation, since these two characteristics are very important in determining our target group. Imagine a dad who is more active and demanding towards himself when it comes to parenthood: he understands new approaches to parenting and finds the best ways to engage his child. Or a more active and demanding TV shows fan: it is not just Dodo collaboration with their favourite franchise that is important for them. A person is interested in solving the mysteries of the universe, in getting in touch with this world in reality, and tasting it. This approach will give more insights and specifics about what can be said and how to build communication.


Focus on experience, new knowledge. We complement and expand the customer's experience of interacting with the franchise universe.

Example: “Batman”

Not Dodo

Mentioning just for the hype, relying on superficial knowledge, stylization for the sake of itself. Just one more media for your partner.

Example: “Dune”.

Dodo always stays Dodo in collaborations with TV shows, movies, games


Games about exploring the world, transforming oneself, creating something. Games that offer collaboration, require dexterity, speed, logic, as well as most sports games, arcades, racing, and cyber sports.

Not Dodo

Games that refer to actual warfare, games with graphic violence (those with realistic blood and dismemberment), games that are banned, games that are highly controversial in relation to politics and ethnicity matters.


Movies and TV series about peace, interpersonal relationships, and everyday life that contain life-affirming plots.

Not Dodo

Films and series about actual warfare, films which contain violence.


There is a place for Dodo within the work, there are associations with us, there is overlap.

In the narrative, the world of the film is related to everyday life, and there is a chance to place Dodo into it.

Example: Cyber Punk, Pizza Future 2077.

Not Dodo

Simply putting your logo on a media. Any brand can do that.


In content integrations (a game or a film) Dodo is a way to recharge, a place of peace and quiet for the hero, an image from everyday life.

Not Dodo

Associations with a means of doing damage, images of weapons in posts or packaging.


Bloggers and publics that educate or create something, as well as reviewers who are like us in spirit and values - they are outgoing, considerate, and responsible.

Partnerships where we do things together.

Example: Alter, Eto znak.

Not Dodo

Bloggers with a large audience, but not close to us in spirit and values.

Partnerships just for the sake of being mentioned.


Animated movies and children's brands that bring benefit, light and joy, help children show their creative side, openness, attentiveness.

Example: MySkazka, Kikoriki, Fixies.

Not Dodo

Animated movies and brands that are not close to us in spirit and values.

Partnerships only for the sake of mentioning.


Partnerships with companies that do something useful, that help to make life more comfortable and better.

For example: psychotherapist selection service, home cleaning service, flower delivery service, online movie theaters, children's development and sports clubs, volunteer projects and charity.

Not Dodo

Partnerships with alcohol and tobacco brands, hookah shops, vape shops, gambling, sports bets, martial arts clubs for adults, healtcare institutions. In general, we don't partner with anything that can be harmful to one’s health and with those who are subject to special legal regulation.


The focus is on the customer's benefit: how they can use this product or service and why Dodo chose to partner with it. Dodo's role is also to help customers in their daily lives through partnerships. Answer the question: how does this partnership help customers?

Not Dodo

Just being present as a logo. Any brand can do that.

We always welcome a good reason to celebrate, but take religious, political and military holidays seriously.

If we support these events, there is a risk of being misunderstood – cause overreaction, provoke arguments and negativity from customers. As a company, we do not want to divide our audience into those who are “for” and “against”.


Unifying holidays: New Year, City Days, February 14.

Small kind events: Pizza Day, Happiness Day, Smile Day, Spontaneity Day, etc.

Not Dodo

Religious, military and political holidays: Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, Victory Day in particular.

Beer Day, Anti-Corruption Day, Anti-smoking Day, Airborne Forces Day, the symbols of these holidays, promotions timed to these holidays.


On the days of mourning, we do not launch promotions, we hold a “day of silence”.

Not Dodo

Mourning events as a newsbreak.