Product proportions on the layout

When assembling a product composition from individual cropped photos, we keep in mind the foods’ proportions, aiming at naturally looking results. Here we look at the main Dodo products comparing them to a 300 ml paper cup.

Large, medium and small size pizzas
Pizza boxes
Paper cups 200, 300 and 400 ml

The examples listed above are most often presented in our combo offers. They are convenient to use when you need to make a layout quickly.

Two identical products. Place them side by side with a small overlap. If the product has a long shape, like Dodster, the edge can be trimmed with a format.

Two cups and two Dodsters are placed side by side, with the nearest product slightly overlapping the product at a distance

A product and a drink. When placing them on the layout, focus on the size: the smaller product is supposed to be in front and partially overlap the larger one. Place the cup or bottle in front of the product if the product is somewhat equal to or slightly larger than the beverage. Danwiches, Dodsters and other similar products have the edge with the filling facing the viewer, the drink overlaps the far edge where the filling is not visible. Longer in shape or larger products can be trimmed with a format.

“Danwich+beverage 300 ml in a cup” and “Medium pizza+beverage 300 ml in a cup” combos

Cookies, cheesecakes and other small foods are placed in front of the drink.

“Cookies+beverage 300 ml in a cup” and “Cheesecakes+beverage 300 ml in a cup” combos

Two products and a drink. In the combo of three items, we also focus on the beverage: small products are in front of the drink, big ones are behind it. Everything is mutually overlapped to make the composition look solid.

“Danwich+potatoes+beverage 300ml in a cup” and “Cheese sticks+sauce+beverage 300ml in a cup” combos

Several large products. They are tricky to put into a composition on the layout, so there are various approaches to this task. We choose a specific method depending on the products and the format of the media.

The first option is to place them on a surface, so that the large products are on the edges and cut off by the format. The second is to make a composition of floating products. This technique is especially appropriate for several pizzas - it is difficult to place them on the surface, but a floating stack of half-opened boxes looks good and compact.

Combo with several large foods. Two placement options: on the surface and in the air.

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