Assembling a digital layout

Static layouts complement OLV advertising – they allow for cheaper additional reach and maintain consistency in communication.

We employ them during major launches and as part of mobile performance, e.g. advertising campaigns aimed at getting installs and orders. With this format, our task is to quickly communicate the main point and motivate people to take action.

What should be on the layout:

  1. Key message. Place one message (CTA) that corresponds to the campaign objective on the layout. Broadcast it in all creative formats.
  2. Style elements. We make sure that the layout is consistent with the overall concept and design of other media within the advertising campaign.
  3. Logo. We show our logo on static images and in videos (OLV). In OLV we broadcast the logo throughout the whole video.
  4. Legal information. Add necessary legal information about the promotion or product.

We build human-centered communication, taking into account the context in which a person interacts with our layout and we aim at making this interaction comfortable.

We place one key message on the layout. At the beginning of the creative process, we make a pyramid of meanings – a list of theses we want to convey to the audience. If we place the entire list of items on the layout, people will not remember or understand what exactly we are offering. That's why we rank the theses, determine the key message, and define the accents.

We create a simple and clear layout. We focus on the product and brand. We do not overload the design with creative techniques, metaphors and complex images. We utilize neutral images and simple text so that people quickly perceive our key message.

We look at the layout through the eyes of the viewers. What is more important for our audience: the possibility of an inexpensive lunch with delivery in 30 minutes or a beautiful dress of the character on the layout? Let's keep only what matters.


One key message, concise product image on a neutral background, clear text

Not Dodo

It's not clear what exactly the message is. In digital advertising, it is worth saying instantly what kind of promotion is going on and how to get benefits
Several messages on one layout, complex wording without any explanation

Before launching an advertising campaign, we check whether the creative idea delivers the right message to the audience: we show layouts to experts inside our company or carry out research. To decide on the format of the test, we involve the brand team.

How we conduct researches

We prepare several variants of a layout with different messages and show them to a group of people using such online tools as Yandex View, Anketolog or Tiburon. Sometimes we hire agencies that specialize in developing communication strategies and researching creatives.

We go through this checklist before and after creating a layout. Before the process – to remember what the layout should be like; after – to see if something in the layout raises doubts.

We take into account the items from the checklist, avoid contradictions with them, but we don't aim to comply with all of them. The main thing is that the layout should solve the task at hand.

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