SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is a technique used for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of an idea in a format of a brainstorming session. You can apply it as a standalone technique or in addition to others.

We have prepared convenient templates that you can download and use during team brain storming. To use a template, follow the link and click “Use template”:

SWOT analysis

Choose the built-in templates or create your own 4-square matrix.

  • S - strengths of the idea.
  • W - weaknesses of the idea.
  • O - opportunities of the idea (prospects, benefits).
  • T - threats to the idea (possible damage from its realization).

Within 10 minutes, evaluate the idea applying the four criteria to it; put down your thoughts on stickers and place them in the corresponding parts of the matrix.

For example, you want to publish a corporate magazine to promote a beauty salon. This is what a SWOT analysis might look like:

Every idea has flaws. At this stage, we evaluate how critical they are for the project, how much each factor affects the result.

We correlate stickers from different squares. Discussion:

  • How will strengths (S) help capitalize on opportunities (O)?
  • How can strengths (S) mitigate threats (T)?
  • How can opportunities (O) be used to address weaknesses (W)?
  • How can the impact of threats (T) be minimized?

If during the discussion we realize that the idea is too risky, we plan the next brainstorming or repeat the SWOT analysis with another idea.

If the idea has passed the evaluation, we plan implementation: allocate who is responsible for what; set a deadline.